Monday, August 21, 2006

A small circle...

A few people have asked me to share some recipes, but email is the last thing on my mind (right after blogging) when I'm cooking. Hopefully this blog will be a convenient reference for all 3 people who read it. Some disclaimers:
  • The recipes in this blog will respect copyright laws by only representing my own interpretation of other people's ideas.
  • The content of this blog may not be restricted to recipes.
  • This blog will not borrow from anything produced by Rachel Ray (because I cannot guarantee anything I do will take less than 30 minutes) or Martha Stewart although some charisma and creativity may outshine the medium.
  • Most of the recipes I share will have something very significant in common, but there is a slight chance that something else delicious that is "not like the others" may show up accidentally- but that's not very likely.

Ok, I'm just going to get started. I will do my best to categorize the stuff I put up here, by labeling each recipe, and posting a list of labels so you can easily find recipes with a common label (i.e. really easy dishes, really really easy dishes, etc. ) And I will have tried all the recipes I post, so you can email me with questions (if you think it will help) at adria dot tingey at gmail dot com. Shoutout to all my friends and sisters!

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